Canadian Optometrist, Dr. Nana Owusu, is someone that brings an incredibly unique perspective. Along with his wife, he owns a number of optometric practices. He is a product of African parents, from Ghana, and this Story follows his journey from Canada to optometric education in Illinois, and back to his family and practice life in Canada.
Dr. Owusu is committed to improving the profession of optometry and that includes driving improved diversity, equity, and inclusion for people of color. In this Interview Story, I make my own admissions about how I have had to grow as a human to become better at tolerance.
Due to my time with Nana, he has made me a better person. In your time watching or listening to this Sandbox Story, I hope you will, too.
The Stories within the Story include:
1:01 The Canadian Optometry Update Story
2:45 The Ghana-to-Canada Story
5:10 The Education Dedication to Mom Story
7:50 The Family Story
11:42 The Accidental Optometrist Story
15:45 The Football Story
17:10 The Spouse Story
19:08 The Children Story
20:20 The Athletics Parallel to Optometry Story
23:02 The Expanding Practice Story
26:30 The Compensation in Canada Story
30:05 The Provincial Practice Story
31:53 The Pediatric Eye Care Story
33:40 The Canadian Optometry School Story
35:25 The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Story
47:15 The Raider Fan Story
49:05 The Optometry Advice Story
Runtime: 52 min
Access the content via:
YouTube: https://youtu.be/Bk07lV8u4g0
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Downloadable MP3: https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/dbhzw3/Sandbox_Interview_-_Owusu_AUDIO7xuot.mp3