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Sandbox Stories Short - Year-end Gratitude


As 2020 closes, it's time to share thanks with the Sandbox Stories community. I am grateful for the hundreds of video watchers and many more podcast listeners. I'm also appreciative to the many guests that gave their time to join me in interviews this year:

Ali Khoshnevis

Jennifer Stewart

Adam Ramsey

Chuck Brownlow (remember, check out his book, Counting on the Moon, and buy a copy on Amazon!)

Illinois College of Optometry Faculty

Kristie Nguyen

It's also a time to reflect on what we consider to be a pretty bad year. From all challenges comes growth. I want to first share my sympathies to the many people who lost loved ones from COVID-19. And to those of you who suffered financial challenges at your business and/or at home, I believe in your ability to turn it around. Persistence in the face of adversity is your strongest trait.

This "Short" will give you insight on the exciting future ahead for Sandbox Stories. Enjoy, and happy new year!

Runtime: 3 min

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